Lesson Discussion

  1. Very good so far as I expected .Loking forward to more. Thank you. Consider a course as you are doing for water color with Pastels and also pastel pencils. Again thanks.

  2. These lesson are great! When I save the ebook, I rename it by putting a 1 or 2, etc in front of the name so they sort in my computer’s folder. So “WCWIntroductionandMaterials1” becomes “1 WCWIntroductionandMaterials1”.

  3. I was pleasantly surprised and excited when I called for help with my login today that I actually got to talk to you in person over the phone, instead of a recording. I have looked all over the internet for a course to teach art. Yours is by far the best in virtual instruction, videos, books and now I add Human resources that I have ever found and especially for the price. Thank you Matt for all you do!!!!!

  4. Hi Matt, I’ve been meaning to get back to The Virtual Instructor after a bit of an absence. I’ve been exploring water colours lately, and now I’ve found your water colour course! I’m so excited about it

  5. i’m finding ebay a great source for art supplies look for free shipping of course. i just paid $8.00 total for prismacolor premier 12 pak color pencils derwent inktense 24 for $23.20 it’s hard for me to go out and shop in a wheelchair. so ebay works great.

  6. Hi Matt: So far so good. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the materials identified, I was expecting that I would need to go out and buy more expensive and harder to obtain materials. The ones in your description I already have, and can easily obtain in the area I live. Art materials can be very expensive, and the the ones you show are reasonably priced, and I am already use to using. That impressed me!

  7. Looking forward to this course. Looks like that this originally started in 2014 so therefore your courses are always relevant even 5 years later. Thanks Matt you are a great teacher.

  8. (Watercolor Workshop) e-book
    I’m trying to download the ebook and it downloads as pdf.html. I won’t have an internet connection next week and i would like this as .pdf. There is not the normal download icon, I’ve had to right-click and Save As. Any suggestions?

    • Hi Jennifer,

      Clicking on the download button opens the ebook in your browser. From here you can either download the ebook to your computer or print. You can also right-click on the button to download the file directly to your computer.

  9. So much content. Thank you for these. As a first year art teacher for Middle School I especially appreciate the lesson plans for content and logical sequencing. Thanks. As an illustrator I appreciate the tutorials.

  10. Hi Matt I just took the plunge. I’m looking at the watercolor which I’m obsessed with these days! I was hoping to find a section on botanicals. Flowers are what I really want to learn to draw and watercolor. Do you think you will ever have that as a specific topic? Still excited to learn what you have to offer though. I can at least do some field or photo painting of flowers. Thanks , Mandy

  11. Hi Matt, I’m going to be doing a watercolor a ship (size 15″x11″) and it is a closeup of a ships prow. It’s from a picture of the Cutty Sark. it has a lot of chains and ropes. How can I successfully paint the chains? I’ve done loads of practice on it but it’s hard to keep the links uniform. The main links are 5x4cm. what is the best way to do a succession of links? I’ve worked
    very hard on the drawing of the ship. Thank you for your help. Marjorie McGee

    • Hi Majorie,

      It’s hard to say without seeing the image, however it sounds as though you may be over thinking it. The size of the chains in real life is not that important. The proportion of the chains in relation to the ship is important. I don’t think they need to be uniform since they will be visually different in length depending on the perspective and angle of the viewer. It’s always best to simply concentrate on the shapes of values and colors that you see and paint them. Don’t think of it as painting “chains” but instead just think in terms of shapes. To help you with this, you may try turning the paper (and your reference) upside down and practice this way. This will force you to focus on the shapes and not the “chains”. Don’t let these chains tie you down :).

  12. Hi Matt,

    After watching the introduction, I am not sure which supplies exactly to buy best:
    For example when it comes to the tube watercolors which colors are essential? What will you be using throughout the course?

    Best, Anna

    • Hi Anna,

      I recommend having a palette that consists of a warm and cool variant of each primary. For example, you may choose to have Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Ultramarine, and Cerulean Blue. This palette will allow you to mix a broad range of colors. You may also want to add a few “neutral-ish” colors as well such as Payne’s Gray, Yellow Ochre, and Burnt Sienna.

  13. Hey Matt, hope you are well.
    Now I’ve decided to do some painting, probably just watercolour.
    And I’ve been having a look through the course and I’m looking forward to having a go 🤩
    All the best Chris 👍 👌 xxx

  14. Hey Matt,
    Loving this course! Question: where do I find the cake “box” that you use in the class? I’ve pretty much always used tubes and think I’d like to try cakes. Much easier when I travel.

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